Thursday, 30 January 2014

E- Mail to Plan B

Hi Plan B!

I am writing to you for a number of reasons. 

I'm 16, My name is Mariam, and I am studying at the Greenford High School Sixth Form - which I don't think you would have heard of, it's in West London!!! As a media studies students I have been incredibly happy to be studying your movie at the moment- Ill Manors, this has been an exceptional film to watch, and even going on to studying it further only gets more interesting, and not only me but our entire class has been moved by it! I hope you're proud of yourself, because now, many of us see you as an inspiration. 

Firstly, Congratulations on such a success with Ill Manors, this movie sure is an eye opener for many who judge without thinking, and I'm glad a person like yourself has made it big and got your point across successfully, even at the Ted x talk that we are also studying! Your movie will be the case study for our exam, but we as year 12 Media students, wouldn't want to just read websites and articles to know more about you.. That's not real enough, we'd love to be inspired live!

We as young people would be really pleased if you would take out less than a few hours of your time whenever - and visit our school/sixth form - Greenford High School. this will give us some real knowledge on your struggles, your view on society and the politics, basically your values- everything you have learnt from life, summarized to us, so we can reflect on the risks you've taken, in order to better and build ourselves further - although our free-school meals students, like myself, do very well academically (108th in the country) - you giving a live guide and talk about your movie and the morals behind it, can reach out to so many and it sure will make a difference, to the school & the media department, as you will be able to answer any questions we may have. You being here will can also be a massive reflection on the grades we achieve, as our exam will basically be based on YOU, yes, our A-Levels. We are all products of our environment, so maybe you could be what makes the environment better. Only asking for 45 minutes of your time, we've definitely spent hours studying you and your movie, so I hope you can make it work as you are our local.


Mariam x

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